
Your Plan of Attack
Strengthen your Credit
Do your “Home’work"
Types of Homes
The Home Inspection
The Closing
Closing Costs

Marketing your Home
Pricing your Home
Telling the World
Protect your Privacy & Security
Creating Curb Appeal
Home Improvements
School and municipality info listed by county & town.



Real Estate Information for Sellers:
Telling the World

Yes, the world.

The Internet has made global marketing a reality. But, most real estate is local and your agent will develop a comprehensive marketing plan that takes advantage of your local marketplace. A plan that makes buyers—and other agents and real estate agents—aware of your home’s availability. Your agent should place the home on the Hudson County Multiple Listing Service (or HCMLS), and together you will consider other marketing avenues including radio, TV, print and/or electronic advertising, the Internet, specialized print publications, outdoor signage, an open house for the public, an open house for brokers and agents (known as a caravan), etc.

If necessary, your agent can recommend a series of incentive programs to get your home sold faster. These may include assistance with the down payment and closing cost support for buyers, or a professional home inspection or home warranty.